More than 15 years of experience,

committed to helping you succeed

400+ salary calculations per month,

quality, trust and expertise

Inefficient accounting process?

We can help you optimise it

“We provide safety.”

“A good accounting strategy brings benefits to your business.”

“We help you grow.”

Payroll services are customised to your needs and provided in a timely manner.

Payroll services include:

Monthly salary calculations with calculation of taxes, mandatory contributions and salary compensations

Calculations of royalties, student fees, management, rents

Calculation of social contributions for the taxpayer

Preparation of payslips and payment orders for bank transfers

Submission of appropriate forms to the competent institutions

Calculation and submission of claims for reimbursement of salary compensation

Registration and deregistration of employees

Editing and processing of data on annual leave and working hours

Preparation of income reports (annually, monthly, etc.)

Statistical reporting

Obračun plač vam pripravimo v dogovorjenem času in ga prilagodimo vašim potrebam.

Prepustite nam, da obračun plače opravimo mi, vi pa se lahko nemoteno osredotočite na poslovne procese.

Storitve obračuna plač vključujejo:

Mesečni obračuni plač, izračun davkov, prispevkov in nadomestil iz plače

Obračuni avtorskih honorarjev, študentskih honorarjev, poslovodenja, najemnine

Obračun socialnih prispevkov za zavezanca

Priprava plačilnih list in plačilnih nalogov za bančna nakazila

Oddaja ustreznih obrazcev pristojnim institucijam

Obračun in predložitev zahtevkov za povračila nadomestil plače

Prijava in odjava zaposlenih

Urejanje in obdelava podatkov o letnem dopustu, delovnem času

Priprava poročil o dohodkih (letno, mesečno,…)

Statistično poročanje

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